Melhores episódios (11)

Formato Texto
Black Mirror - 4x4
Hang the DJ

Friends - 5x3
The One Hundredth

Friends - 5x2
The One With All The Kissing

Friends - 4x12
The One With The Embryos

Friends - 3x6
The One With The Flashback

Friends - 7x24
The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (2)

Friends - 5x8
The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks

Grey's Anatomy - 12x9
The Sound of Silence

La Casa de Papel - 2x9
Episódio 9

Modern Love - 1x2
When Cupid Is a Prying Journalist

Mr. Robot - 4x5
405 Method Not Allowed

Uma lista de Luciana

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