
The Big Bang Theory - 7x6 - The Romance Resonance


Exibido em: 24-Out-2013

Marcar e dar Nota:

Mini Sinopse: Um grande erro na análise de dados científicos gera uma grande descoberta de um novo elemento, o que faz Sheldon se sentir como uma fraude. Enquanto isso, o gesto romântico de Howard para com Bernadette leva Penny a se esforçar mais em sua relação.
Ultima edição: Rafael BritoEditar minissinopse


34819 pessoas marcaram este episódio como visto
9220 pessoas já deram nota a este episódio e a média é 9.03

224 pessoas já reassistiram este episódio

Últimas notas atribuídas: 6.5 - 8.5 - 10 - 10 - 8.5 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 8 - 8.5 - 8


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SerieManiacos | Viciado em Serie | Canal de Series | Temporada em Serie | Manicomio Series | Freaks4Series | The Series Factor | Estante Nerd

Comentarios - The Big Bang Theory - 7x6 (588)

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Tive q ir atrás da letra dessa música, foi a coisa mais fofa e mais nerd q eu ja ouvi ❤

♪ If I didn't have you life would be blue.
I'd be Dr. Who without the TARDIS.
A candle without a wick.
A Watson without a Crick.
I'd be one of my outfits without a dick-ie.
I'd be cheese without the mac.
Jobs without the Wozniak.
I'd be solving exponential equations that use bases not found on your calculator making it much harder to crack.
I'd be an atom without a bomb.
A dot without the com.

♪ And I'd probably
still live with my mom.
And he'd probably
still live with his mom.

♪ Ever since I met you, you turned my world around.
You supported all my dreams and all my hopes.
You're like uranium-235 and I'm uranium-238. Almost inseparable isotopes.
I couldn't have imagined,
how good my life would get
From the moment
That I met you.

♪ If I didn't have you life would be dreary.
I'd be string theory without any string.
I'd be binary code, without a one.
A cathode ray tube, without an electron gun.
I'd be Firefly, Buffy and Avengers without Joss Whedon.
I'd speak a lot more Klingon, Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.

♪ And he'd definitely still live with his mom ♪

You turned my world around
You're my best friend, and my lover.
We're like changing electric and magnetic fields, You can't have one without the other.

I couldn't have imagined how good my life would get.
From the moment that I met you.

♪ Bernadette
Oh, we couldn't have imagined,
How good our lives would get
From the moment that we met you.

♪ Bernadette.

2013-10-25 23:56:21Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
♪ And he'd definitely still live with his mom ♪

2013-10-25 00:34:38Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Sheldon: (...) Tudo o que eu consigo pensar é no quanto eu quero te beijar. E não só na bochecha, mas na boca. Como mamães e papais fazem!

2013-10-27 10:50:10Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Leonard: "You don't know what a sex tape is, do you?"
Sheldon: "No."

2013-10-24 23:36:32Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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