
Castle - 7x23 - Hollander's Woods


Exibido em: 11-Mai-2015

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Mini Sinopse: Uma morte na floresta leva Castle de volta a um evento aterrorizante de sua infância, que o definiu pelo resto de sua vida. A investigação leva a uma obsessão, ele tenta encontrar respostas que o iludiram, enquanto Kate encara possíveis caminhos a seguir.
Ultima edição: andressa.milaoEditar minissinopse


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Comentarios - Castle - 7x23 (266)

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- You're wrong, Sir.
- Excuse me?
- I said you are wrong. In every case you have referenced, I have not only successfully brought the killer to justice but I did so with the upmost respect to the law and for the department I represent. And regarding my relationship with Mr. Castle, he has proven to be a brilliant partner and he has ALWAYS had my back. And as for his fictional representation of me, I am proud to have been his inspiration and am proud to be his WIFE. You asked, how do I expect to lead? By continuing to fight for what is right, not for what's easy. My job is to protect the citizens of NY and I will do it, by doing my job better than anyone else and getting results. I DON'T CROSS THE LINE, I PUT MYSELF ON IT.

Sinceramente? Morri.

2015-05-12 00:02:20Denunciar spoiler (1)Denunciar Abuso*
"im proud to be his inspiration, im proud to be his wife" MELHOR OTP DO MUNDO

2015-05-12 00:00:29Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
"Kate, 7 years ago I thought I'd never write again, and then you walked through the door and my whole world changed.
You were right. You said I had no idea, but now I do. This is because of you. Because of us. Always."

2015-05-12 07:29:17Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
GRAÇAS A DEUS QUE A STANA KATIC ASSINOU O CONTRATO e esse ep pareceu series finale
eu acho q eles tavão com medo que ela n assinaria ai fizeram meio q uma series finale

2015-05-12 19:14:50Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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