Heavy Object 0

Tokyo MX 
Status: Finalizada (24 episódios)
Total na Grade: 22
Inicio: Oct 2015
Fim: Mar 2016
Duração Episódio: 25 min

Onde Ver:

Heavy Object conta a história de Qwenthur, um jovem que vai para uma base militar no Alasca para estudar os “Objects”, um novo tipo de arma que revolucionou a guerra como conhecemos. Em seus estudos ele conhece a piloto Milinda e chega mais perto de descobrir a verdade por trás dessas misteriosas armas
Ultima edição: Raniere

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24 - A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field ~ The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II ~
Exibido em 26/03/2016

23 - A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field ~ The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum I ~
Exibido em 19/03/2016

22 - You Can't Put a Price on Honor ~ The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island III ~
Exibido em 12/03/2016

21 - You Can't Put a Price on Honor ~ The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II ~
Exibido em 05/03/2016

20 - You Can't Put a Price on Honor ~ The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island I ~
Exibido em 27/02/2016

19 - The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money ~ The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz III ~
Exibido em 20/02/2016

18 - The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money ~ The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz II ~
Exibido em 13/02/2016

17 - The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money ~ The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz I ~
Exibido em 06/02/2016

16 - The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals ~ Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle II ~
Exibido em 30/01/2016

15 - The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals ~ Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I ~
Exibido em 23/01/2016

14 - In a Calvary Battle, You Must Break Their Foothold ~Amazon City All-Out War II~
Exibido em 16/01/2016

13 - In a Calvary Battle, You Must Break Their Foothold ~Amazon City All-Out War I~
Exibido em 09/01/2016

12 - Three-Legged Mountain Climbing Race is Risking One's Life ~Iguazu Mountains Bombardment Battle III~
Exibido em 26/12/2015

11 - Three-Legged Mountain Climbing Race is Risking One's Life ~Iguazu Mountains Bombardment Battle II~
Exibido em 19/12/2015

10 - Three-Legged Mountain Climbing Race is Risking One's Life ~Iguazu Mountains Bombardment Battle I~
Exibido em 12/12/2015

9 - In an Obstacle Race, It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud ~The Antarctica Supremacy Battle~
Exibido em 28/11/2015

8 - The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper 〜The War to Capture the Oceania Military Power III〜
Exibido em 21/11/2015

7 - The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper ~The War to Capture the Oceania Military Power II~
Exibido em 14/11/2015

6 - The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper ~The War to Capture the Oceania Military Power I~
Exibido em 07/11/2015

5 - Tom Thumb Runs Through the Oil Field ~Gibraltar Passage Obstruction Battle II~
Exibido em 31/10/2015

4 - Tom Thumb Runs Through the Oil Field 〜Gibraltar Passage Obstruction Battle I〜
Exibido em 24/10/2015

3 - The Small Fry Who Bind Gulliver 〜Alaska Mid-Winter Environment Snow Battle III〜
Exibido em 17/10/2015

2 - The Small Fry Who Bind Gulliver 〜Alaska Mid-Winter Environment Snow Battle II〜
Exibido em 10/10/2015

1 - The Small Fry Who Bind Gulliver 〜Alaska Mid-Winter Environment Snow Battle I〜
Exibido em 03/10/2015


Shizuka Itou - Frolaytia Capistrano
Rina Satou - Lendy Farolito
Hisako Kanemoto - Ohoho

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Total ativos: 22


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