Encounters with the Unexplained 0


Status: Finalizada (53 episódios)
Total na Grade: 1
Inicio: Aug 2000
Fim: Aug 2002
Duração Episódio: 60 min

Encontros com os Inexplicáveis é um show fascinante, produzido pela Total Living Network e Grizzly Adams Productions. Apresentado por Jerry Orbach, o programa reúne cientistas, exploradores e historiadores de renome mundial em busca de respostas para mistérios famosos. Cada episódio examina um fenômeno inexplicável e apresenta novas conclusões surpreendentes sobre a maneira como entendemos nosso mundo e nós mesmos.
Ultima edição: tvdbot

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26 - Vince Foster - Suicide or Political Execution? / Were There Miracles Amidst the Mayhem of 911?
Exibido em 07/08/2002

25 - Are We Creating Killer Insects? / Are Crop Circles the Language of Aliens?
Exibido em 19/07/2002

24 - Has the Lost Colony of Roanoke Been Found? / Are the End Times Here?
Exibido em 12/07/2002

23 - Where is the Lost Gold of the Incas? / Can Anyone Have an Angel Encounter?
Exibido em 05/07/2002

22 - Will Global Warming Change Our Lives? / Have We Found the Garden of Eden?
Exibido em 21/06/2002

21 - What Happened to Aviator Amelia Earhart? / Did the Bible Code Predict September 11?
Exibido em 14/06/2002

20 - Does Spontaneous Human Combustion Really Exist? / Is There a Curse on King Tut's Tomb?
Exibido em 07/06/2002

19 - Is Someone Altering the World's Weather? / What Sank the Unsinkable Titanic?
Exibido em 31/05/2002

18 - Who Killed Jimmy Hoffa? / Mary Magdelene
Exibido em 24/03/2002

17 - Did We Really Land a Man on the Moon? / Who Wrote the Bible?
Exibido em 17/03/2002

16 - Will the Hospital Cure You or Kill You? / Has the Holy Grail Been Found?
Exibido em 22/02/2002

15 - JFK, Jr
Exibido em 15/02/2002

14 - What Brought Down TWA Flight 800? / What Do the Dead Sea Scrolls Tell Us?
Exibido em 08/02/2002

13 - What's under the Ancient Sphinx? / Is the Story of the Tower of Babel True?
Exibido em 01/02/2002

12 - What Killed the Dinosaurs? / Where Are the Lost Bible Treasures?
Exibido em 18/01/2002

11 - Where Are the POW's? / Did Jesus Really Walk the Earth?
Exibido em 11/01/2002

10 - What Were the Phoenix Lights? / Was There a Noah's Flood?
Exibido em 30/11/2001

9 - Who Killed Kennedy? / Was There a Miracle at Fatima?
Exibido em 16/11/2001

8 - Which Mountain Is the Real Mt. Sinai? / How Old Is the Human Race?
Exibido em 09/11/2001

7 - Who Killed Princess Di? / Will We Be Left Behind?
Exibido em 02/11/2001

6 - Sodom and Gomorrah
Exibido em 19/10/2001

5 - Did Moses Part the Red Sea? / Who Are the Super Brain Kids?
Exibido em 05/10/2001

4 - Can We Be Saved by the Light? / What Is the Secret of the Astonishing Coral Castle?
Exibido em 28/09/2001

3 - What Did Ancient Inventors Know? / What New Findings Are in the Bible Code?
Exibido em 21/09/2001

2 - Who Killed Lincoln? / Did the Walls of Jericho Fall Down?
Exibido em 14/09/2001

1 - Pearl Harbor, Day of Infamy or Deceit? / Butch Cassidy
Exibido em 07/09/2001

Dar uma nota para toda a temporada*:
*Nao sobrescreve notas ja dadas

27 - Time Travel
Exibido em 25/05/2001

26 - What Is the Secret of the Bermuda Triangle?
Exibido em 18/05/2001

25 - Bigfoot
Exibido em 04/05/2001

24 - What Is Really on Mars?
Exibido em 27/04/2001

23 - Could the Ancients See the Future?
Exibido em 23/03/2001

22 - Is There a Doomsday Asteroid?
Exibido em 16/03/2001

21 - Jesus
Exibido em 23/02/2001

20 - Was the Six Day War a Miracle?
Exibido em 16/02/2001

19 - Are Dolphins Smarter than Us?
Exibido em 09/02/2001

18 - What Really Happened at the Little Bighorn?
Exibido em 02/02/2001

17 - Did Ancient Doctors Know More Than Us?
Exibido em 26/01/2001

16 - What Happened at Mesa Verde?
Exibido em 19/01/2001

15 - Is the Miracle of Christmas Really True?
Exibido em 05/01/2001

14 - Did Jesus Really Exist and Perform Miracles?
Exibido em 17/12/2000

13 - What Really Happened at Kecksburg? [Kecksburg UFO Crash]
Exibido em 01/12/2000

12 - Adam & Eve
Exibido em 24/11/2000

11 - The Mystery of Oak Island [Oak Island Treasure]
Exibido em 17/11/2000

10 - Golden Ark With Incredible Power? [Ark of the Covenant]
Exibido em 10/11/2000

9 - What Is So Mysterious About Easter Island?
Exibido em 03/11/2000

8 - Are End Time Warnings True?
Exibido em 27/10/2000

7 - America's Hidden Spaceport? [Area 51]
Exibido em 13/10/2000

6 - Is There Really Power in Prayer?
Exibido em 06/10/2000

5 - Secret Messages from Space? [Crop Circles]
Exibido em 29/09/2000

4 - Is It the Burial Cloth of Jesus? [The Shroud of Turin]
Exibido em 15/09/2000

3 - What Really Happened at Roswell?
Exibido em 08/09/2000

2 - Is It Really Noah's Ark?
Exibido em 01/09/2000

1 - What's Behind the Door in the Pyramid?
Exibido em 25/08/2000


Total ativos: 1


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