Selling New York 0

Status: Finalizada (115 episódios)
Total na Grade: 2
Inicio: Mar 2010
Fim: Apr 2014
Duração Episódio: 30 min

Eles são assertivos, afiados e sempre atraentes corretores imobiliários no mercado mais competitivo do país. Em uma cidade de mais de 8 milhões de pessoas, onde o preço médio de venda é superior a US $ 2 milhões, a concorrência para selar o negócio é dura. Agora, tenha um raro vislumbre de um mundo onde uma reputação sólida no topo da cadeia alimentar imobiliária envolve nadar com os tubarões, ir frente a frente com os melhores, e esfregar ombros com o mais rico e mais moderno dos sociais, políticos e elite artística. Isto está vendendo Nova York.
Ultima edição: tvdbot

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16 - Closed Houses
Exibido em 29/04/2014

15 - The City Never Sleeps
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14 - Emeril's Amazing Townhouse
Exibido em 22/04/2014

13 - Warburg Agents Sell A Home In CT and Michele Kleier Helps A Client Find A Home in Her Own Building
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11 - One Family Loves in Order to Pursue Their Daughter's Dreams, and Need to Sell Their Home Fast
Exibido em 15/04/2014

10 - In the Up and Coming Neighborhood of Williamsburg, One Agent Strive to Sell For a High Profit
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9 - Expensive Maintenance Fees Prove Difficult in Selling One Triplex
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8 - Clients Seek To Run Away From and Escape to Homes in the Country
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7 - Will a Terrible Location Compromise the Sell of a Home That Once Belonged to Frank Sinatra?
Exibido em 18/03/2014

6 - With a Baby on the Way, One Agent is Rushed to Find a New Home Before Time is Up
Exibido em 23/01/2014

5 - Clients Seek to Gain a Fresh Start From Moving to New Homes
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4 - As a New Agent Tries to Impress, Another Tries to Help a Client Who is New to the Real Estate World
Exibido em 21/01/2014

3 - Will combining a triplex and a duplex prove the right decision for the Kleier's?
Exibido em 14/01/2014

2 - As a Family Continues to Grow, One Agent Has to Find a Bigger Home Fast
Exibido em 07/01/2014

1 - Brokers Use Documentary Films To Sell 2 Homes
Exibido em 16/09/2013

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13 - Family pressures causes buyers to put their agents under strict time crunches
Exibido em 28/02/2013

12 - Drive and pride are key in making big deals in hot properties
Exibido em 21/02/2013

11 - To keep their client's full attention, ambitious agents come up with unique marketing strategies
Exibido em 14/02/2013

10 - Brokers attempt to put their clients on a different track in order to make a sale
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9 - One agent wants to use time-tested methods while another looks outside the box to make the deal
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8 - Brokers work to cater to their clients' quirky preferences in order to make deals happen
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7 - Mickey Conlon's jet-setting client is looking for an iconic New York apartment, but she only has a limited time in the city to look. Mickey needs to find his Aussie client the perfect home that meets
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6 - Brokers dress up fabulous apartments by highlighting classic city views and original works of art
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5 - Buyers get inspired by artsy spaces and modern-classic country homes
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4 - For some clients, the answer to their real estate woes is written in the stars
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3 - A chef client knows that the right ingredients are crucial to good food and to good real estate
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2 - Sometimes a broker's biggest challenge is getting their clients to commit to the search
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1 - Brokers know that giving up is not an option in the fast moving real estate business
Exibido em 06/12/2012

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13 - Top agents persuade their clients to alter their approach in order to maximize profits and results
Exibido em 05/07/2012

12 - Finding the perfect apartment is hard, but finding two in the same building is almost impossible
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11 - Agents persuade their clients to adjust their expectations in order to find the perfect fit
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10 - Prior disappointments and famous clients push agents to perform miracles under pressure
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9 - Strategic Marketing
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8 - Deal or No Deal
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7 - Creative Tactics
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6 - Moving On
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5 - High Expectations
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4 - NYC Newbies
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3 - The Best Laid Plans
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2 - Old Listings Get Some New Life
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1 - House of Lords: Princely Properties for Unique Clients
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22 - Strategic Marketing
Exibido em 22/03/2012

21 - Deal Or No Deal
Exibido em 15/03/2012

20 - Creative Tactics
Exibido em 08/03/2012

19 - Moving On
Exibido em 01/03/2012

18 - High Expectations
Exibido em 23/02/2012

17 - NYC Newbies
Exibido em 16/02/2012

16 - Accomodations
Exibido em 09/02/2012

15 - Old Listings, New Life
Exibido em 02/02/2012

14 - Press Worthy Properties
Exibido em 26/01/2012

13 - Press Worthy Properties
Exibido em 19/01/2012

12 - Satisfaction Guaranteed
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11 - One family prepares to move cross-country while another looks to expand their nest.
Exibido em 05/01/2012

10 - A Family Affair
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9 - Big Decisions And Fast Deadlines
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8 - New Beginnings, New Homes
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7 - Lucky Dogs and New York Newbies
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6 - Center Stage - Transforming Stale Places For Stellar Showings
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5 - Youth Movement: Young Agents Search for Innovative Sales Tactics
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4 - The Big Stage. Michele Kleier Trains Regis Philbin
Exibido em 03/11/2011

3 - Trophy Property
Exibido em 27/10/2011

2 - The Right Moves
Exibido em 20/10/2011

1 - Making It Personal
Exibido em 13/10/2011

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13 - Moving Deadlines
Exibido em 01/09/2011

12 - Finders Keepers
Exibido em 25/08/2011

11 - Seeing is Believing
Exibido em 18/08/2011

10 - Sales Partners
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9 - Growing Pains
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8 - Hard Sell
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7 - All Eyes On It
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6 - Above and Beyond
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5 - Property Virgin
Exibido em 07/07/2011

4 - Property Values
Exibido em 28/04/2011

3 - Teaming with Sales
Exibido em 21/04/2011

2 - Market the Place
Exibido em 14/04/2011

1 - Deal or No Deal
Exibido em 07/04/2011

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13 - Demanding Attention
Exibido em 24/03/2011

12 - Starter Homes
Exibido em 17/03/2011

11 - Home Improvements
Exibido em 10/03/2011

10 - Positive Change
Exibido em 03/03/2011

9 - Hot Property
Exibido em 24/02/2011

8 - Big City Dreams
Exibido em 17/02/2011

7 - Launch Pad
Exibido em 10/02/2011

6 - Dream Homes
Exibido em 03/02/2011

5 - Real Estate, Friends and Neighbors
Exibido em 27/01/2011

4 - The Price is Right
Exibido em 20/01/2011

3 - Getting the Buy In
Exibido em 13/01/2011

2 - Smells Like A Deal
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1 - Developing A Deal
Exibido em 01/01/2011

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13 - Galmour and High Business
Exibido em 10/06/2010

12 - Eye of the Beholder
Exibido em 03/06/2010

11 - The Push
Exibido em 27/05/2010

10 - Property Hunters
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9 - Managing Expectations
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8 - Location, Location, Location
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7 - Extra Special Spaces
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6 - All in the Family
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5 - Educated Decisions
Exibido em 15/04/2010

4 - Cooking Up A Real Estate Deal
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3 - Setting the Stage
Exibido em 01/04/2010

2 - Time is Money
Exibido em 25/03/2010

1 - The Big Event
Exibido em 18/03/2010

Total ativos: 2


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