The Rubin Report 0

Status: Finalizada (51 episódios)
Total na Grade: 0
Inicio: Jan 2018
Fim: Feb 2019
Duração Episódio: 90 min

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39 - Dave Rubin and Yaron Brook LIVE at University of Illinois at Chicago
Exibido em 03/05/2018

38 - Trump, Dangers of Political Correctness, and Foreign Policy (Sebastian Gorka Full Interview)
Exibido em 27/04/2018

37 - Kanye West and Counterculture
Exibido em 25/04/2018

36 - Colin Moriarty LIVE: Gaming, Politics, and the Culture Wars
Exibido em 24/04/2018

35 - LIVE at Dartmouth: Dave Rubin, Yasmine Mohammed, Onkar Ghate on the Frontlines of Free Speech
Exibido em 19/04/2018

34 - Thomas Sowell: Discrimination and Disparities (Full Interview)
Exibido em 18/04/2018

33 - From India to America: Taking Control of Your Own Life (Rajshree Agarwal Full Interview)
Exibido em 13/04/2018

32 - Millennial Conservative Environmentalist (Benji Backer Full Interview)
Exibido em 06/04/2018

31 - Climate Change and the Role of Government
Exibido em 04/04/2018

30 - Dave Rubin and Yaron Brook Live at UCF
Exibido em 02/04/2018

29 - Governor John Kasich: 2016 Craziness to 2020 Prospects (Full Interview)
Exibido em 30/03/2018

28 - Steven Pinker on the Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress (Full Interview)
Exibido em 23/03/2018

27 - The Sky is Falling! (Or is it?)
Exibido em 21/03/2018

26 - Bob Saget on Comedy, Trump, and Political Correctness (Full Interview)
Exibido em 16/03/2018

25 - Where is Our Ambassador to Germany?
Exibido em 14/03/2018

24 - David Frum on “Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic” (David Frum Full Interview)
Exibido em 09/03/2018

23 - LIVE at Berkeley: Dave Rubin, Heather Mac Donald, Steve Simpson on the Front Lines of Free Speech
Exibido em 08/03/2018

22 - The Age of Unlightenment
Exibido em 07/03/2018

21 - Unplugging, Mindfulness, and Jungian Archetypes: Kelly Carlin LIVE
Exibido em 06/03/2018

20 - Governor of California Candidate Supporting Nuclear Power (Mike Shellenberger Full Interview)
Exibido em 02/03/2018

19 - Who Was Lincoln?
Exibido em 23/02/2018

18 - Who Was JFK?
Exibido em 22/02/2018

17 - Who Was John Adams?
Exibido em 21/02/2018

16 - Who Was James Madison?
Exibido em 20/02/2018

15 - Who Was Thomas Jefferson?
Exibido em 19/02/2018

14 - Former Director of FEMA: Revisiting Hurricane Katrina (Michael Brown Interview)
Exibido em 16/02/2018

13 - Former Bank Robber on Incarceration and Criminal Justice Reform (Shon Hopwood Full Interview)
Exibido em 09/02/2018

12 - Welcome to The Idea Revolution
Exibido em 07/02/2018

11 - Bret and Eric Weinstein, Brothers Together at Last (LIVE)
Exibido em 05/02/2018

10 - Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro: Frontline of Free Speech (LIVE)
Exibido em 31/01/2018

9 - What is The Intellectual Dark Web?
Exibido em 30/01/2018

8 - Genius Foods: Become More Productive While Protecting Your Brain (Max Lugavere Full Interview)
Exibido em 26/01/2018

7 - Millennial Conservative on Trump, Social Issues, and Religion (Charlie Kirk Full Interview)
Exibido em 19/01/2018

6 - Capitalism Isn't Cool.
Exibido em 18/01/2018

5 - Socialism Isn’t Cool.
Exibido em 17/01/2018

4 - Heavens on Earth: The Scientific Search for the Afterlife (Michael Shermer Full Interview)
Exibido em 10/01/2018

3 - The Problem with President Oprah 2020
Exibido em 09/01/2018

2 - Ben Shapiro: Trump, Trans, Religion, Abortion, and Tax Cuts
Exibido em 03/01/2018

1 - 2018: Outrage, Anger and Unusual Alliances
Exibido em 03/01/2018

Total ativos: 0


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