Fist of the North Star 0

Fuji TV 
Status: Finalizada (109 episódios)
Total na Grade: 39
Inicio: Oct 1984
Fim: Oct 1986
Duração Episódio: 25 min

Em 199X, uma guerra nuclear destruiu o mundo. Os mares secaram, a terra secou. Plantas, animais... Quase todas as formas de vida foram extintas. Porém, a humanidade sobreviveu. Num mundo desses, a violência impera, e o poder está nas mãos daqueles que são fortes.Hokuto. No KEN conta a saga de Kenshiro, herdeiro de uma arte marcial de dois mil anos chamada Hokuto Shinken (O Punho Divino da Estrela do Norte), para resgatar sua amada que foi raptada por Shin, um antigo amigo de infância e praticante do Nanto Seiken (O Punho Sagrado da Estrela do Sul), outra técnica milenar.
Ultima edição: Eric Soeiro

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109 - A Look Back! The 2000 Year History of Hokuto!!
Exibido em 30/10/1986

108 - Farewell, the Two Hokuto Brothers!Your Love And Sadness End Now!!
Exibido em 23/10/1986

107 - The Decisive Battlefield is the Hokuto Renkitouza! No One Can Stop Them!!
Exibido em 16/10/1986

106 - Raoh, Frightned by a Nightmare! Yuria, You Are the Reason!!
Exibido em 09/10/1986

105 - Guard the Nanto Jibo-Sei! Even at the Cost of the Lives of the Gosha!!
Exibido em 02/10/1986

104 - The Gentle and Brave Fudo! Those Tears Awaken A Burning Passion!!
Exibido em 25/09/1986

103 - The Demon`s Challenge! Fudo, Become a Demon for the Sake of Your Loved Ones!!
Exibido em 18/09/1986

102 - The Mighty Raoh is Lost in Confusion! I Will Not Believe in Love!!
Exibido em 11/09/1986

101 - Will Raoh`s Ambitions Perish with his Fall? The Heavens are Still in Disarray!!
Exibido em 04/09/1986

100 - The Ultimate Secret, Musou Tensei! Raoh, You`ve Finally Been Cornered!!
Exibido em 28/08/1986

99 - Sorrowful Goshasei! You`re the Woman Burdened by Love and Fate!!
Exibido em 21/08/1986

98 - Disturbance in the Nanto Capital! The Two Hokuto Brothers Meet At Last!!
Exibido em 14/08/1986

97 - Farewell, Yuria! Even When Facing Death, A Warrior Will Not Speak Of Love!!
Exibido em 07/08/1986

96 - The Fall of Juuza! I`ll Protect the Woman I Love With My Life!!
Exibido em 31/07/1986

95 - Merciless Inferno of Sand! Is There Any Help for Dying Fudo!!
Exibido em 24/07/1986

94 - Fudo is in Danger! Hurry Ken, A Man Never Deserts His Friend!!
Exibido em 17/07/1986

93 - Showdown: Juuza vs Raoh! The End of the Invincible Legend!!
Exibido em 10/07/1986

92 - Juuza Revived! I Do Not Fear Raoh!!
Exibido em 03/07/1986

91 - The Cloud Has Yet To Move! The Last Nanto Star Finally Revealed!!
Exibido em 26/06/1986

90 - I am Juuza, the Cloud! I Leave My Destiny to the Flow of Time!!
Exibido em 19/06/1986

89 - The Wind and Cloud Revelation! Ken, Fate Awaits At The Capital of Nanto!!
Exibido em 12/06/1986

88 - The Goshasei Approaches Kenshiro! Fudo, Who Are You!!
Exibido em 05/06/1986

87 - The Goshasei In Danger! Raoh Finally Breaks Through The Flame!!
Exibido em 29/05/1986

86 - Burn, The Red Army! The Tears of Flames Ignite Shuren!!
Exibido em 22/05/1986

85 - Prelude of the Deadly Battle!! The Cry of Hyuui, the Man of the Wind, Echoes to the Heave
Exibido em 15/05/1986

84 - Nanto`s Strike Back! Wind Army, Protect the Last General!!
Exibido em 08/05/1986

83 - Prepare For Death, Raoh! Legend Will Turn Into Fear!!
Exibido em 01/05/1986

82 - Holy Emperor Souther! You Love More Than Others Because You`re Obsessed With It!!
Exibido em 24/04/1986

81 - Shuu of Nanto Hakurou Ken! The Heavens Have Dealt You a Cold-Hearted Fate!!
Exibido em 17/04/1986

80 - Yuda, the Nanto Koukaku Ken! Your Beautiful Smile Caused Tragedy!!
Exibido em 10/04/1986

79 - Rei, of the Nanto Suicho Ken! There is a Man Who Died For His Friend!!
Exibido em 03/04/1986

78 - Nanto Sei Ken`s Shin! You Live and Die for Love Getting Nothing in Return!!
Exibido em 27/03/1986

77 - The New Age Awakens! The Wolf`s Howl Reaches the Heavens!!
Exibido em 20/03/1986

76 - Fist of Fire Versus the Howling Wolf! Now Toki is in Danger!!
Exibido em 13/03/1986

75 - Forgive Me, Sister! Fighting Hokuto is the Fate of My Star!!
Exibido em 06/03/1986

74 - The Wolf Running Towards the Horizon! The End of Love and Hatred!!
Exibido em 27/02/1986

73 - Man of the Wolf Star, Ryuuga! I Will Take Hold of that Rainbow!!
Exibido em 20/02/1986

72 - Farewell Toki! The Tear`s Fall Only Once!!
Exibido em 13/02/1986

71 - The Birth Secret Revealed! Heaven Desire`s Tragedy!!
Exibido em 06/02/1986

70 - Another Hokuto Shin Ken! Cast Raoh Into Darkness!!
Exibido em 30/01/1986

69 - The Strongest Era of Hokuto! The Fate of the 3 Brothers Finally Begins!!
Exibido em 23/01/1986

68 - Souther, the Sad Holy Emperor! Love Wears You Down!!
Exibido em 16/01/1986

67 - Kyoku-Sei Showdown, Ken vs Souther! Only My Star Can Protect the Heavens!!
Exibido em 09/01/1986

66 - Run, Kenshiro! Another Friend is Going to Die!!
Exibido em 02/01/1986

65 - The Bloody Holy Cross Pyramid! Shuu! My Heart Will Hold Your Tears
Exibido em 26/12/1985

64 - Bloody Battle: Shuu vs Souther! Love is Drowned by the Tears of the Star of Benevolenc
Exibido em 19/12/1985

63 - The Young Warrior Challenging Fate! The Cry of his Soul Moves the Heavens
Exibido em 12/12/1985

62 - I`m The Holy Emperor, Souther! Both Love and Compassion are Forbidden
Exibido em 05/12/1985

61 - Love on the Battlefield! Will this Era Tear Love Apart?
Exibido em 28/11/1985

60 - Shuu of the Nanto Hakurou-Ken! What are You Watching at the End of this Century
Exibido em 21/11/1985

59 - The Dark Star Is Covering the Heavens! It`ll Move After the Deadly Battles
Exibido em 14/11/1985

58 - Military Rule in Troubled Times. When Nanto Falls Into Disorder, Hokuto Appears
Exibido em 07/11/1985

57 - Farewell Rei! The Legend of the Hero Will be Passed Down Through the Generations
Exibido em 31/10/1985

56 - Beautiful Fighters Rei vs Yuda! Tears are Unnecessary on a Man's Path!!
Exibido em 24/10/1985

55 - You Will Die, Rei! The most beautiful of men!!
Exibido em 17/10/1985

54 - Dear Mamiya! The Death Omen Star is Hiding in the Sparkling of your Eyes!!
Exibido em 10/10/1985

53 - Death Omen Star is Falling!! Rei! Heaven Trics Time Cruelly!
Exibido em 03/10/1985

52 - Yuda of Nanto Roku Sei Ken! I Am More Beautiful Than Anyone!!
Exibido em 26/09/1985

51 - Fate Without A Future! She still Believes in Love!!
Exibido em 19/09/1985

50 - Death Sentence in 72 hours! The Death Start Drags Rei!!
Exibido em 12/09/1985

49 - The Strongest Battle in History! Raoh vs Ken! You're The One Who Will Die!!
Exibido em 05/09/1985

48 - Final Moves Explode! The Fate of Hokuto Brothers Exceed Hatred!!
Exibido em 29/08/1985

47 - The Nanto Suicho-Ken Dance of Death! I'll Give My Life for the Sake of Love!!
Exibido em 22/08/1985

46 - Calling From Hell! Rei, Did You See the Death Star!!
Exibido em 15/08/1985

45 - People are afraid of death! Lynn's cry of rage!!
Exibido em 08/08/1985

44 - The death star shines! Ken, are you bidding with another's life!!
Exibido em 01/08/1985

43 - Casandra is destroyed! The legend of the Hokuto won't change!!
Exibido em 25/07/1985

42 - End of the century with no tomorrow! This is the day waiting for Ken!!
Exibido em 18/07/1985

41 - 2000 years of grief! Ken's footsteps!!
Exibido em 11/07/1985

40 - Evil doesn't need graves! This is Hell's Casandra!!
Exibido em 04/07/1985

39 - The evil legend! The door to Casandra!!
Exibido em 27/06/1985

38 - Ranzan punch! An unfortunate woman!!
Exibido em 20/06/1985

37 - Refuse your love! Because he is the death star...!
Exibido em 13/06/1985

36 - I don't have the past to use! Just my hatred for Toki!!
Exibido em 06/06/1985

35 - Evil man! Toki, you have gone bad!!
Exibido em 30/05/1985

34 - Toki! You are an angel or devil!!
Exibido em 23/05/1985

33 - This is a miracle village! The fallen angel!
Exibido em 16/05/1985

32 - The four linked fists of rage! Jagi, Hell is waiting for you!!
Exibido em 09/05/1985

31 - Mask of Hell! He who terrorizes in the name of the North Star!!
Exibido em 02/05/1985

30 - Fate is unavoidable! Who is Jagi!!
Exibido em 25/04/1985

29 - It's too late for begging! Death to the Bandit King!!
Exibido em 18/04/1985

28 - Rei! I'll wipe your tears with my fists!!
Exibido em 11/04/1985

27 - Only criminals can laugh! I hate this age!!
Exibido em 04/04/1985

26 - Tremble while you sleep! The bandits of Night Fog Valley!!
Exibido em 28/03/1985

25 - The evil people! Their name is the Fang Clan!!
Exibido em 21/03/1985

24 - Nanto suichoken! The tragedy of the strong begins!!
Exibido em 14/03/1985

23 - Battle is all that awaits me!
Exibido em 07/03/1985

22 - Julia well as Shin!
Exibido em 28/02/1985

21 - The palace is on fire! Shin! I'm close to finding you!!
Exibido em 21/02/1985

20 - Nightmarish full-scale war! My fists pack one million volts!!
Exibido em 14/02/1985

19 - Damn! Get ready to die!!
Exibido em 07/02/1985

18 - Life or death!? At the end of the wilderness lies the first street of Hell!!
Exibido em 31/01/1985

17 - Fight if you are a man! The guts of confrontation have opened!
Exibido em 24/01/1985

16 - Try to sing, villains! The counting rhyme of Hell!!
Exibido em 17/01/1985

15 - I count to three! You are the one who is dead!!
Exibido em 10/01/1985

14 - These grieving times! Many kind people die too early!!
Exibido em 03/01/1985

13 - The arhat deva fist! The endless killing!!
Exibido em 27/12/1984

12 - I am the God of Death!! I'll chase you to the ends of Hell!!
Exibido em 20/12/1984

11 - Villains!! Listen to the requiem from Hell!!
Exibido em 13/12/1984

10 - Flame death blow! Too many people should die!!
Exibido em 06/12/1984

9 - Criminals! Pray before you die!!
Exibido em 29/11/1984

8 - Rip into the nerve cells! No requiem for the bad guys
Exibido em 22/11/1984

7 - Villains! Countdown to death
Exibido em 15/11/1984

6 - The evil's plan. Attacking the man with 4 scars!
Exibido em 08/11/1984

5 - The flame of love in Hell. You're already dead!!
Exibido em 01/11/1984

4 - Attack bloody cross!! The secret punch by soft strikes
Exibido em 25/10/1984

3 - Punches are burning on a dark street! Five fingered explosive burst!!
Exibido em 18/10/1984

2 - The Zankei death blow!! Lights appeared at the end!!
Exibido em 11/10/1984

1 - God or demon!? The strongest man appeared in Hell
Exibido em 04/10/1984

Total ativos: 39


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